Welcome to the SMCE
The Science Managed Cloud Environment (SMCE) provides quick access to the cloud, with low barriers to access. Principal Investigators (PIs) and their delegates get direct access to Amazon’s AWS and/or Microsoft’s Azure consoles for their cloud offering development, or the SMCE can deploy an Open Science Studio (OSS), which is a robust, scalable JupyterHub environment. The SMCE can also provide a Public OSS designed and constrained for open public access. The cloud environment is currently available in either Amazon’s AWS or Microsoft’s Azure Public Cloud offerings, and SMCE plans to continue to expand access to other commercial clouds. If you need some help in getting started with servers, storage, or clusters, the SMCE is also there to aid you and to right size these efforts.

Picture from JWST Hourglass birth of new star
Existing Projects in the SMCE
Atmospheric Observing System (AOS)
Atmospheric Observing System (AOS) Science Data Segment (SDS) The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) mission aims…
Open Science Data Repository (OSDR)
Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) The NASA Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) enables access to…
OpenSARLab OpenSARLab offers seamless access to SAR processing in the cloud through a JupyterLab environment….

Picture from ICESAT-2 Launch
How Do I Get Started
The SMCE is a project-based offering. All projects must be NASA funded, which does include ROSES grant funding. Such Principal Investigators (PIs) interested in establishing a project within the SMCE should send an email to the SMCE Team. Once a request has been received, the SMCE Management and User Liaison will reach out to the PI to discuss requirements, solutions, and develop an initial cost estimate. You can also get cost estimates for your NASA sponsored research proposals. It typically takes less than a week from initial contact to starting to work in the cloud.
Who Can Access the SMCE?
The SMCE is FISMA Low (Federal Information Security Modernization Act, Low Risk) compliant. This enables project PIs to have complete control over who is allowed to join their project and each user’s access level. Projects are required to provide a Project System Administrator responsible for maintaining the systems of the project. The SMCE team can provide support for certain activities in the cloud, however, this needs to be discussed with the PI prior to obtaining access.

Picture from JWST Deep Universe