NASA GSFC Science Interns

GMAO SVS Visualization

Welcome Interns!

To help optimize your time at Goddard, the Science Managed Cloud Environment (SMCE) has created the Open Science Studio (OSS) cloud based JupyterLab environment using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate your research. The OSS provides interns and their mentors with quick and easy access to compute and storage resources for their projects.  

The OSS is a web-based compute environment specifically designed for science research with a choice of software environments specifically designed for different scientific disciplines (Earth Science, Heliophysics, and Astrophysics). Upon login, users have access to Python, R, and other computer kernels through a JupyterLab web interface. The OSS and the SMCE are in a FISMA-Low security environment, which means that this environment should be used with public data.

Talk to your mentor about this capability, and requests for access can be made via email to:

When making a request for an account either have your mentor originate that request or copy your mentor on the email and please include the following:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Desired username.

You will receive an email like the following:

Note that to proceed with the following steps you will need to download to your phone an OTP app, like Google Authenticator or FreeOTP. You should be able to get this via your phone store app. Clicking on the “Link to account update” will bring you to the page below:

Follow the directions to generate and then input your One-Time Authorization code and click “Submit”. This will bring you to the following page to set a password.

After submitting your new password you should see the Account Update screen below.

You’re now ready to login to the Intern OSS. Follow the directions provided in the section below titled “How to Login to the Intern OSS”.

Once you have obtained an account and password, go to the page should look like the following:

enter in things here

Entering your Username and Password and clicking Sign in will result in the page below where you will enter your one-time passcode from Google Auth or the TOTP app that you had downloaded to your phone.

After you have entered your one-time passcode, the system will ask you to select the following options:

  • Images – There are three types of notebooks to choose from based on your science discipline: Earth Science, Astrophysics, and Heliophysics.
  • Server Type – Servers with different amounts of compute and memory can be chosen as well. For starters, just select a standard.

Click “Start”

  • Please note: Spinning up a new server may take several minutes. Once the server has launched, the JupyterLab will appear as shown below, using the Earth Science image option.

Each time you login and start a server, the OSS will ask you for the image and server type. At that time, you can select Standard, Large, or Extra Large.  

Suppose you have a server running, and you recognize you need more memory. To change your server size, go to File->Hub Control Plane and click “Stop My Server”. Once your server stops, click “Start Server”, and then you can select a different server size.

If you are having any issue, please send an email to the SMCE administrators using the following email:

We are also happy to meet with you one-on-one to walk you through the interface and answer questions. Just send us a request using the above email address.

Check back

Additional documentation along with “How To’s” will be added to this page, so check back often.