Open Science Data Repository (OSDR)
The NASA Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) enables access to space-related data from experiments and missions that investigate biological and health responses of terrestrial life to spaceflight. The goal of OSDR is to enable multi-modal and multi-hierarchical fundamental space life science data be reused toward basic science, applied science, and operational outcomes for space exploration and knowledge discovery. These data include ‘omics, phenotypic, physiological, behavioral, hardware, environmental telemetry; raw, processed; tabular, text, code, bioimaging, and video.
Key features of OSDR include:
- Search Data in the Open Science Data Repository
- Data Submission through Biological Data Management Environment
- Explore the Data Visualization Portal
- Explore environmental data through the Environmental Data App and RadLab
- Access data directly from Public AWS S3 Bucket
- Analysis Working Groups
- Tutorials and Guidance for access space biology and health data
Reference Go to the Open Science Data Repository for more information.